We had a fantastic time at the RIMS Forum 2024.

Check out the presentation slides, recap, and photos here:

The RIMS Forum will return in September 2025!

More details coming soon. Register your interest to be contacted when more information is available.

RIMS Forum 2024 Theme

Fostering collaboration: Whanaungatanga in transport networks

The 2024 RIMS Forum theme invites presenters and attendees alike to consider our collective challenges as asset management professionals.

The draft GPS 2024 sets out six strategic priorities: 

  1. Maintaining and operating the system
  2. Increasing resilience
  3. Reducing emissions
  4. Safety
  5. Integrated freight system
  6. Sustainable urban and regional development

At the RIMS Forum 2024 we will explore the Te Ao Māori concept of connection, or whanaungatanga, and how we can work together as an industry to move forward in these times of spiralling costs, conflicting demands, constrained resources and increasing expectations. 


(noun) relationship, kinship, sense of family connection – a relationship through shared experiences and working together which provides people with a sense of belonging. It develops as a result of kinship rights and obligations, which also serve to strengthen each member of the kin group. It also extends to others to whom one develops a close familial, friendship or reciprocal relationship.